• Humanitarian Aid Studies Centre
  • Centre d’Etudes sur I’Aide Humanitaire
  • Centro de Estudios en Ayuda Humanitaria
  • Humanitarians
  • training
  • humanitarians

(This resource is available in Spanish)

The term human rights defenderhas spread from the statement on the same adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 9, 1998. Describe the person who individually or collectively act to promote or protect human rights, be they civil, political, economic, social and / or cultural, whether concrete as minority or groups and their vulnerability support a high degree of people social or political exclusion.

The work of human rights defenders is quite large both in the area of ??protection and the prevention and promotion , being able to intervene in situations of discrimination, inaction of governments to violations of human rights claims minority groups, arbitrary detentions, etc.

Because of the high risk,  continuing education training on safety and security is critical in order to follow rules to protect the defender and the people around the defender.

In this line, Enrique Eguren has developed the Protection Manual for Human Rights Defenders (Front Line, 2005) where we have a good number of guidelines to have in mind by the defenderthat are subject to be attacked because of the work they undertake.

In a very important topic as personal safety, it is paramount , that we have in place tools and knowledge needed ready for an adequate response to the problem. .

This Flash presentation , can take a tour of the various chapters of the book, the main ideas extrapolating the Manual gives us.

Download the Document – Spanish

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