• Humanitarian Aid Studies Centre
  • Centre d’Etudes sur I’Aide Humanitaire
  • Centro de Estudios en Ayuda Humanitaria
  • Humanitarians
  • training
  • humanitarians
September 8, 2013 Emmanuel Rugumire Makuza

An Reintegration Strategy for Ex-combatants in the Central African Republic

In 2012-2013, the Central African Republic was once again rocked by a paroxysm of violence. It is a cyclical phenomenon...

September 5, 2013 Emy Yanni

Persons with disabilities in the workplace: an advocacy strategy

The overall objective of the Advocacy Intervention is to raise the awareness of the business owners, Human Resources Managers, and...

August 10, 2013 Rafaela Camassa

Approach to child poverty reduction strategies in light of economic crisis: The case of Cyprus

The research paper ‘Mapping the multi-dimensional approach to child poverty reduction strategies in light of economic crisis: An initial examination...

Comprehensive emergency plan for São Francisco Valley

The Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) is the key instrument for implementing disaster risk reduction, adopted by the Member States...

Assessment of Vulnerabilities Faced to IDPs in QARGHA – Kabul

The research is aimed to explore and communicate the vulnerabilities faced to IDPs and their livelihood conditions from the QARGHA...

June 4, 2013 Aurore Virayie

Sharing special food products at family and community levels

In a context where many western public opinions tend to be reluctant towards the way humanitarian aid is delivered, developing...

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