The multiplication of conflicts in the Pool department and the flooding of Les Bandas in the Niari region are among the problems faced by the Republic of Congo over the last ten years. Despite the limited achievements of the Government and some of its partners in assisting IDPs and managing war and flood-torn zones in these southern parts of the country, these humanitarian crisis have cast doubt about the effectiveness of the response brought in these localities.
This study aims 7at assessing interventions already conducted in the lights of international, regional, sub-regional and national instruments on the one hand, and strategic framework on protection and assistance of Internally Displaced Persons, on the other hand. To meet its objective, the study employed qualitative and quantitative research approaches.
Essentially, primary and secondary sources have been used to assess the response to the humanitarian situation or to better say, to the priority sectors of vulnerabilities identified. The finding of the study shows that the Republic of Congo does not have any computer system for the production of databases facilitating studies on protection, assistance, disasters, conflicts and their impacts, that the current legal, programmatic or strategic architecture has been playing significant role in the internal displaced persons protection. Yet in the way, it is found that there are no specific legislation, institution and special emergency assistance fund for displaced persons in the Republic of Congo Brazzaville, making the vast majority of them vulnerable. Furthermore, even, the coordination supposed to play a big part on the occasion of humanitarian crisis, shows weaknesses: it is not inclusive, effective and largely depends on the United Nations system organizations. To that end, efforts and steps should be taken by the national authorities, to better care for IDPs in the Pool and especially in Les Bandas district in the Niari region where the relocation issue of people affected by the flood of February 25, 2018, still arises.
This will justify the various multisectoral development programs or projects to be initiated by the congolese Government through certain ministerial departments, including that of social affairs and humanitarian action, in collaboration with financial partners to better protect and assist the IDPs of Pool and that of les Banda’s district.
One response to “Protection and assistance to internally displaced persons in Africa. Case of the Republic of Congo Brazzaville”
this is Izzadin I want to lean and have experience and certificate form you
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