Sphere member
KALU is full member of the Sphere Association, successor to the Sphere Project, which began in 1997 as an inter-organizational initiative to establish agreed minimum standards for assistance in humanitarian crises. Sphere’s flagship publication, the Sphere Handbook, is one of the most widely known and internationally recognised sets of common principles and universal minimum standards in humanitarian response.
UNAC – University of the Americas and the Caribbean
KALU Institute has signed and agreement for the “Development and accreditation of studies in humanitarian action” with the University of the Americas and the Caribbean and the Latin American Center for Scientific Research and Innovation (Colima, Mexico).
International Humanitarian Studies Association
Kalu Institute is a member of the International Humanitarian Studies Association.The IHSA is a network engaged with the study of humanitarian crises caused by natural disaster, conflict or political instability. Humanitarian studies concern how humanitarian crises evolve, how they affect people and their institutions, communities and societies, and the responses they trigger.
European Distance and E-Learning Network – EDEN
Kalu Institute is a member of the European Distance and E-Learning Network. EDEN is open to credible educational institutions (universities, international networks, research institutions and companies) interested in open, distance, flexible and e-learning. EDEN exists to share knowledge and improve understanding amongst professionals in distance and e-learning and to promote policy and practice across the whole of Europe and beyond.
Academie de l’Excellence (ACADEXE)
In Cameroon, KALU has signed a partnership agreement with ACADEXE -the Academy for Excellence-. ACADEXE is a prestigious learning institution on humanitarian studies based in Douala. This agreement aims at sharing expertise and learning resources so to increase the offer of courses to our students, as well as the organization of training events in Cameroon.
IHS – Institute of Humanitarian Studies
Kalu Institute is a member of the Institute of Humanitarian Studies. By contributing to collaborative research between academic institutions, NGOs and the United Nations System , HASC-Proyecto Kalu seeks to improve decision-making, targeting and quality of humanitarian aid.